Over Metawar: The Battle for Reality in the Metaverse

9 mei
Themabijeenkomst PvIB

Metawar: The Battle for Reality in the Metaverse

dinsdag 9 mei 2023 17:30 tot 21:15


Metawar is the art of applying science to create alternate immersive realities; the goal is to make the metaverse indistinguishable from our ‘default’ reality; the one we have been born into. As technology evolves to the all-immersive metapoint from which there may well be no escape, metawarriors of widely differing ilks will master the art and science of metawar to control the individual and populations at large.

The metaverse is the most powerful reality distortion machine ever conceived. With metawar, the attack surfaces are not just silicon-based networks. Metawarriors target living carbon bio-chemical systems and the highly malleable, imperfect probabilistic nature of the human sensory systems and the mind. Networks, nonetheless.

Our ‘beliefs’ and sense of reality are determined by two things: The inputs to our sensory organs and the internal sum of our beliefs, experiences, and memories.

Learn how human sensory systems work, how the brain interprets external stimuli, and how the metawarrior will mess with human addiction to alternate realities. An entirely new kind of network tech to explore.

Unabated, the metaverse will be dominated by a few, powerful, incredibly rich organizations, (ethics?) who will relentlessly hack reality, for God & Country, Power & Profit.

• Your Brain is a Time Machine: It never rests. Never.
• Reality is only a keystroke away.
• Feedback & OODA everywhere.
• Time-based and Analogue Security

Join me on a technical tour of the 6th domain of conflict. The battle is for control of your mind and your reality. And it scares the hell out of me.


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